Presbytery of Western North Carolina

While the congregations and staff of the Presbytery of Western North Carolina support all the PC(USA) missionaries and their ministries; these few are supported financially and spiritually by specific congregations within our bounds. For an the entire list of PC(USA) missionaries visit the Worldwide Ministries Divison site here.
Cathy Chang and Juan Lopez – Philippines
Mark Hare – Dominican Republic/Haiti
Jo Ella Holman – Regional Liaison for the Caribbean Region
Karla Ann Koll – Costa Rica
Victor and Sara Makari – Israel-Palestine
John McCall* – Taipei, Taiwan
Elmarie and Scott Parker – Lebanon
Larry and Inge Sthreshley – Congo
Eliane Menezes – Guatemala
Douglas Tilton – Cape Town, South Africa
Daniel and Elizabeth Turk – Madagascar, Africa
Jim & Jodi McGill – South Sudan and Niger
Leslie Vogel – Guatemala
*Missionary Co-Workers from PWNC